Submit your cutest messy baby (any age), and the winner receives a free photo session! Submit your entry to and they will be posted on this blog for voting. Hurry though. Contest ends May 30th!
The winner is Photo Entry #6! We had a race to the finish with some last minute comments and some that were even after the May 30th Deadline! Congratulations to Baby #6! Jill Lane is the proud Mama of baby #6 and has won a free session. Stay tuned for more contest! Thanks to all of you who particiapted.

Leave a comment as a vote for your favorite Messy Baby! Winner gets a free photo session!
Definately baby #3
Baby #3 takes the cake
Number 1 for sure!
How cute to paint with a little one, number 6 is adorable and the winner!
I love baby #3 she has such an adorable smile!
Baby #3 is for sure the CUTEST messy baby!
Hard choices, hard choices! Number 3! (Can I vote twice???) :)
Painting baby #6 is adorable!! Winner all the way!
Mixing paints so adorable, his NANA says he is the winner!
#6 is by far the cutest little guy, he looks like he is having sooooo much fun!
I vote for #6!!!
I vote for #6! He's adorable!
Too cute #3
Auntie thinks your a winner #3!
Baby #3 is by far the cutest. Her dress even matches the frosting!
#6 so cute!!!!
#2 Takes the cake for me =]
My vote goes to #2!
Wow, they are ALL so CUTE!! But, if I have to pick, I pick..........#2
I pick 6!!
baby 6 is adorable
Very cute all of the kiddos, but those eyes on #6, say cutest and messy baby!
#3 for sure! She even posed through the mess :)
Very sweet of each and every child, number 6 is too cute though!
Baby #6, is so precious and sweet, looks like the mess just began!!
i vote for baby #3
Baby #3 is the cutest by far. Look at that Smile!!!
2! 2! 2!
I agree with the previous posting....#2 wins in my book.
baby number 6
painting baby 6, those eyes melt you
Auntie says #2 =]
Go #2.....only a couple days left!
Grandpa says #6!!!
Mom and Dad vote for #6, they are all cute and messy babies :-)
Go Baby Two!
Grandma votes for her beautiful baby #2! Love you!
baby 6 all the way
~#6 so the winner
painting baby 6, so handsome and messy!!!
Go Little T - Baby #2 needs to be the winner!
baby #6 ALL THE WAY~~~~
Auntie says number 6 painting is the winner, all of the children are very cute and messy though!
baby #3 for sure
messy baby #3
Gotta go baby #3
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