About Me

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Mankato, MN, Minnesota, United States
I am an adventure seeking cross between a Biker Chick & Sailing Beach Bum. Watch out for Mamma Bear because my family and friends mean the world to me! I love to wear high-heeled boots and flip-flops in the same day. Watching the sunset on a beach or sunrise over the mountains brings out my inner peace. The smell of Lilacs in the spring, sun shimmering on a calm lake in the summer and crisp afternoon air in October, makes living in MN tolerable, but I have to travel. People say that they can hear my laugh from across the room. I work until my eyes can’t be pried open with toothpicks or my body gives out, but play just as hard. I love meeting new people. A room full of strangers, truly are just a bunch of friends that I haven’t been blessed to meet yet. OH… and I say it like it is!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thankful! I love my job.

I was chatting with a friend last night on facebook when they reminded me of how lucky I am to absolutely LOVE what I do. I am blessed that my clients and friends, allow me into their lives and capture amazing moments. Very few I know can say this. When I hear comments like, "That is totally her personality..." or "I'm amazed how you even got these! He was such a turkey that day..." or "I haven't seen my Grandparents kiss ever..." I hear how much they appreciate the images and moments captured.  How can you not love to gift them with these images and memories that will last forever? 

I wish that each and every one of you get the opportunity to be in LOVE with at least some part of your job. Also, if others affect your work load in a positive manner please tell them! Appreciate those who help you and give praise when earned. We all need to hear it. I feel like I am on a soapbox, but before moving onto this adventure I know how hard it can be to be to spend so many hours a day in a place you loath! I've been there. Had I been able to find a part where I truly felt appreciated and if co-workers did as well, maybe it would have been different? 

I am blessed and sincerely grateful to be where I am today. It certainly wouldn't be without the endless support of my family, friends and clients. Happy Friday to you all! I love my job and hope you can too. 

Thank You! I couldn't do it without you.  Quite literally.

1 comment:

Renee Tapper said...

Your passion for your job is clearly reflected in your work!! 2 thumbs up to Nissa.

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